As 2011 comes to a close, there have been a lot of changes to Google’s algorithm which have affected our online rankings and future strategies. Bloggers now need to focus on building content with smart copy writing and in high volumes to keep up with and ahead of the freshness update. With this being said, bloggers are spending more and more time writing posts than doing any search engine optimization.
But now that you have went and written all these great posts,
how are people going to find them online?
You’ve got to keep expanding your efforts to improve your reputation throughout the web. There are some easy websites that help you consistently build, and develop relationships and properties online that promote your blog. Some of the options are to write more content for specific web 2.0 sites, where the user can add their own posts or articles, creating lasting, unique properties that Panda and Google will love to see. Keywords and relevant terms are splattered through your copy writing as to help integrate your back links with the correct search terms for future rankings.
Reputation Building Goals:
- Gain contextual backlinks – high quality inbound links that Google appreciates currently
- Integrate social media signals – “FB Likes, +1′s, Tweets, Diggs, Stumbles, etc”
- Build inbound link properties that last over time and have user worthy content
- Unique, large volumes of content with related keywords and strong association for your main site
- Anchor text inbound links targeted at keywords you have researched previously
You aren’t gonna get famous over night. But, if you keep producing better content and blogs than your competition, there is a great chance for success in receiving thousands and thousands of visitors per month within a year or two. Of course many segments of the internet have seen large increases in the competition that is competing for a given keyword or niche. Google always says that they’ll reward the sites that offer a worthy user experience for their search results.
Don’t forget social media. You have to engage in conversations and create social signals that can boost your rankings.
So now that bloggers are busier than ever writing unique and original content, where do you go for backlinks?
Favorite Backlinks for Bloggers:
- Squidoo – great site with strong PR, write unique articles and add images. Gain contextual links and they will last over time. Only place up to 3 links to your own domain, add some official/authority sites too.
- Google Plus – get your posts on the web, +1 your content and engage into conversations with other like minded users. Conversations can always open new doors of opportunity for your site, don’t be shy!
- – fun site that is easy for social bookmarking, add a pic and link for max effect. Join all the communities that fit your niche and industry.
- WordPress – build a free blog and post additional personal rants and raves, any original content can help improve your reputation. Add backlinks to blog and profile. Update your WP free blog regularly.
- Blogger – good to make an account, add some unique info and place some inbound links. Come back and make comments to other related bloggers and also add some updates here and there.
- Twitter – need to have an account, don’t focus too much time on tweets though. Just tweet and re-tweet some other related stuff, consistency counts.
- Typepad – get a free account and post new blurbs/clips of information on it, gain more backlinks and social signs for Google to pick up on.
- Facebook – no brainer, I don;t think it needs mentioning but try and get involved in any groups and communities you can.
This quick list of easy backlink hits will help any blogger see rankings improvement quickly. Just remember that due to all the algorithm changes this year it is important to take the time and effort to write new, original content for these backlink properties. Helping your work in building web 2.0′s last and gain page rank over time, constantly improving your inbound link portfolio as Google evolves.
Don’t spam these sites as you will be moderated, but try and engage at all levels. For example, make your Google Plus account complex over time. Keep adding +1′s for people and posts that you enjoy online, as well as, +1′s on your own site. This helps develop a sense of expertise and authority in a niche, since you are consistently finding and reading top level pages/posts in your industry. Social signals like this are becoming the new backlinks in 2012, I foresee a lot more time being spent on social media sites and small user controlled web 2.0s where people are constantly updating and modifying their profiles.